About the Journal

Focus And Scope

The Latin American Journal of Applied Engineering (LAJAE) is a scientific journal that serves as a source of publications focused on the theoretical and practical development of engineering to be a channel for the dissemination of research results in science and technology with a multidisciplinary perspective in America and other parts of the world. LAJAE is published semesterly in electronic format by the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture, and Design of the Autonomous University of Baja California. Since 2016, LAJAE has published academic texts in Spanish and English refereed under the double-blind modality.

Open Access Policy

The LAJAE provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and encourages innovation and development. In this regard, LAJAE works under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED). LAJAE does not charge article processing fees (APC).

Double Blind Review Process

The manuscript is initially reviewed for compliance with the journal guidelines. If the stated criteria are not met, this may result in the manuscript's return for correction before evaluation. Once it has been established that the article meets the guidelines, the editors and some guest editors will conduct the first evaluation of the submitted documents to guarantee that the manuscript is clear, authentic, and relevant to the journal.

Each submitted article is sent to at least two referees who include members of the Scientific Advisory Board, external academic peers, or additional qualified reviewers. Each work will be reviewed in a double-blind manner. In this case, the referees will evaluate the manuscript according to the following aspects:

  • The originality of the work.
  • Relevance for scientific knowledge and contribution to engineering.
  • Adequate theoretical basis.
  • Appropriate and properly described materials and methods.
  • Appropriate experimental design, when appropriate.
  • Concise and sufficient data.
  • Statistical analysis when appropriate.
  • Correct interpretation in an in-depth debate.

The referees will evaluate each manuscript as suitable for publication, using an evaluation form and making recommendations.

Article Acceptance

Acceptance is based mainly on the article's relevance, originality, technical quality, presentation, references, and scientific merit. The editors will make the final decision on whether to accept or reject the article. The manuscript could be:

  • Accepted;
  • Accepted with minor corrections;
  • Accepted with major corrections;
  • Not Accepted for publication

If the article is accepted after major revisions, it must be resubmitted for peer review by the same reviewers. If the manuscript is accepted or accepted with minor revision, the authors must complete the article proofs and review the final full text. Once the final manuscript is ready, it is announced and made available to the public.